Friday, February 9, 2007

The First One

Well, this is my first post. I have so many things to say but don't know where to start. I decided to give this blogging thing a try because I wanted to keep a diary of things that are happening in my life right seems to be going so quickly...I can't hold onto the moments long enough. I had my first child, Kenneth Bryan (we call him Kenny), on September 20th of last year (on our 3 year wedding anniversary!) and ever since then I feel as if time has kicked into fast forward. Where has four and half months of my life gone? How can my son already be that old? People say they remember when their kids were this young and I can see myself years from now looking back on this time and saying the same thing. I can still remember when Kenny was only a week old, looking at him and thinking, "I'll blink my eyes and this will be just a memory..." and now it is--just a memory. A wonderful memory, yes, but if four months can go by so quickly what about 4 years? What about 40 years? That's where the title of my blog came from because as soon as I finish this blog it will become the past--it will be a "Remember When?" Even in just these few short months with Kenny I already have so many "Remember When?"s with him...I remember when he was born, when I first saw his face, when he first smiled, when we went out of the house for the first time together--alone, when he laughed out loud for the first time...and I can't wait for the ones to come like first steps and first words. There's a very sweet song by Allen Jackson that talks about remembering when 30 seemed so true is that?

Life is so very precious. Every day is such a wonderful gift. Every breath is special.

I think I'm going to like this blogging thing...

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