Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sad Sad Sad

All I can watch on tv is Virginia Tech. I am so sad about that situation. More information is added to the story every minute it seems like. One thing I wonder about...I was listening to the radio and someone brought this up and I wonder if they are right...if the campus WAS able to lock down after the first shooting, as many people are posing as a possibility that lives would have been saved that way, wouldn't the shooter have just instead killed the people in his dorm instead of the student in Norris Hall? Also, in a way, I'm not surprised that an English major would leave an 1800 word manifesto before he committed the absolutely horrible thing he did. This whole situation is just sooo disturbing. I have been in constant prayer for the families affected, the campus, the students, the killer's family, and for God to intervene in the people's lives that need it who may be on the path to doing something like this in the future. I know the killer's name. I just can't bring myself to actually type it.

It makes me fearful--or rather extremely prayerful--of the world that Kenny is growing up in where schools are not such a safe place anymore. Teachers are targets...I just pray that God watches over Kenny as he grows up. I can't imagine what the parents are going through who just lost their child in this tragedy. To them, these college students are their babies that they held and rocked to sleep, that they calmed their tears in the night, that they loving cared for when they were sick, that they dreamed with about their future, that they missed when they went away to college...oh, it's just so so so sad.

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