Monday, April 16, 2007


Brandon has a very scary thing happen to him on Thursday. Around 8:30 he was working on my car and the radiator hose broke after he had given it a test drive right as he was leaning over to check something out. He came in the house and said my name in a panicky way and I saw him holding his face. He said he had hot anti freeze all over him. Me not knowing what the compostion of anti freeze was afraid to look at him because I thought it was like battery acid and I thought it might be melting his face like acid and I was so afraid. I didn't know how I was going to be able to look at him and not freak him out or scream or something else. He went to the sink and started washing off his face, rinsing his mouth out and I looked to see how bad it was--his face was red from burns but not melting like I thought it might. We continued to rinse it, he went to the tub to get more water flow, and then he called his dad. Jerry came over, took Bran to the hospital, and I stayed here with Kenny. It was so scary. It was right around his left eye. The doctors were afraid he might have damaged it. God certainly protected him then--he no protective eye wear on but he has no damage to his eye. He's got a big blister above his eyebrow and redness still around his eye but he looks so good. I think about what could have happened (him losing his sight, suffering 3rd degree burns that would scar) and realize he's okay and I am so thankful.

It's a case of Murphy's Law in action...

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